Learning Unity: Rendering a simple 2D grid with the geometry shader.

Within this post, we will take a look at geometry shaders within Unity, in particular how to utilise it to render simple 2D grids in a 3D scene.

Over the past few weeks I have slowly been getting my feet wet again with Unity. I submitted an entry into the …

SonarCloud: Static Code Analysis in a C++ project.

As part of my pacman project's Continuous Integration (CI), I have set up SonarCloud as a static code analysis tool. This was done to get a bit better insight in the state of my code base, as well as a way to get feedback and improve my C++ knowledge. Because …

TeamCity: Adding a custom report to your build configuration

Recently, I took some time to add a bit of custom reporting to the teamcity project we use at work. I did not have much experience with this before, and honestly, I was quite surprised with the ease to do so. As a reference for myself, and hopefully for you …

Setting up Continuous Delivery for your static website.

In this article we will take a short look how to set up continuous delivery for a simple static website (my own, woo!) with Azure DevOps. Once set up, any commit to both content and the theme should trigger the right builds that end up building and pushing the changes …

Creating a sticky header with elm(-ish)

I have added a simple sticky header to this blog (at the time of writing). I figured I would write a little article about the design and code, both as a personal reminder and to hopefully help people like you. This sticky header is written in elm(-ish). For those …

Setting up a markdown/LaTeX document.

In this article we'll take a quick look on how to set up a markdown / LaTeX project with the help of Python and Pandoc. The goal is to have a single command to compile a set of markdown documents into a single LaTeX pdf. As an example project I've modified …