SonarCloud: Static Code Analysis in a C++ project.

As part of my pacman project's Continuous Integration (CI), I have set up SonarCloud as a static code analysis tool. This was done to get a bit better insight in the state of my code base, as well as a way to get feedback and improve my C++ knowledge. Because this ended up being slightly more work than I initially had hoped, I will use this article to explain how I set up SonarCloud in conjunction with my pacman project. Hopefully this will both serve as a reminder to myself and a simple tutorial for you.

For a tl;dr, the DevOps pipeline that is set up can be found here. The full pacman project can be found here.



At my current place of work, we use SonarQube to get insight in the quality of our code. It provides a simple, insightful dashboard that highlights bugs, code smells, code coverage and duplication. This allows developers to gain insight in the quality of the code they have committed. To me personally, I love the way certain bad habits get highlighted, and I get forced to fix them. Often, there exists some exotic intricacy within the language I am not aware of, or I am using in a wrong way, and SonarQube will highlight it mercilessly. This allows me to learn and become a better coder in my opinion, in much the same way as I learn from ReSharper suggestions.

At work, I was not involved in setting this tool up, so I did not have any experience, before I set it up for this project. It turned out to be a bit more of a struggle than I would like to admit, so a write up was in order.


It might be useful to give a bit more context in how my project is currently set up. This could help evaluate whether the approach I took could be useful for your project.

My pacman clone is developed in (modern) C++, with the help of the SDL2 library for rendering the sprites. It is build with visual studio 2019 / MSBuild. Testing is done with VSTest and the google test adapter. gtest and gmock are used to write the unit tests. All of these libraries are installed through vcpkg. The whole thing is wrapped into an installer with the help of WiX.

On the CI side of things, I use Azure DevOps to automate my build and test processes. So far, I have been positively surprised by Azure DevOps, and the convenience of running these things in the cloud is great. I use boards to track my work items, and pipelines to run my build processes. The repository is hosted on GitHub, since I use that as my portfolio.

Setting up SonarCloud


I am going to assume that the you have set up the following accounts:

  • SonarCloud
  • Azure DevOps
  • A online repository, from a service like Azure Repos, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket etc.

I am also going to assume you are vaguely familiar with Azure Pipelines. I will try to explain the different steps added to my pipelines to the best of my abilities, but I might gloss over steps not related to SonarCloud. I have also used a bit of python to glue everything together, so be prepared for that too. Finally, as always with my articles, take it with a bit of salt. I am by no means an expert in any of this, so there might be better ways to do some of these steps. If you find something that works better, by all means go for it!

A basic setup

I started off by following the basic SonarCloud / Azure DevOps tutorial found here. However, I ran into some problems due to using C++ instead of C#. So the following text will be significantly inspired by the previously mentioned tutorial, however, it is adapted to how I got it to work with C++.

With that out of the way, let's get started, and set up our initial SonarCloud pipeline.

Adding the SonarCloud extension

Navigate to the SonarCloud extension on the Visual Studio Marketplace, and install it into your project. This will add the required tasks into your online pipeline editor, and will save us from a bunch of fiddling with the command line.

Creating a new pipeline

Once you have the extension installed, there are two roads you could take. Either you could integrate the SonarCloud steps into an existing pipeline, possibly as a separate stage or job, or you could add an additional pipeline. I opted for the latter for the sake of simplicity, but do not let that stop you from integrating it with an existing pipeline.

I created a new "Starter pipeline", using my pacman repository as the source, and called it sonar-cloud-pipeline.yml.

At the time of writing, this leads to the following yaml file:

The current content is not particularly relevant for our use case, so I replaced it with the basic build steps for building my pacman application:

Adding the SonarCloud tasks

SonarCloud will analyse your solution by applying various metrics to find problems with your code. It does so by static analysis, and it will gather the necessary data to do this while you compile your program.

So in order to get our analysis up and running we need to take the following steps:

  • First we need to configure SonarCloud to analyse our compile process.
  • Then we need to compile our solution.
  • Next we need SonarCloud to analyse the results of compiling our program.
  • Finally, the results of the analysis need to be pushed to the SonarCloud server, such that they become available in the SonarCloud dashboard.

This means we will have to add the following three tasks to our pipeline:

  • SonarCloudPrepare@1
  • SonarCloudAnalyze@1
  • SonarCloudPublish@1

Where SonarCloudPrepare@1 will be placed before our build process, and the other two will be placed after.

SonarCloud Prepare

The SonarCloudPrepare@1 task will require some some setting up, which the assistant will walk you through. First, select the "Prepare Analysis Configuration". We will see several options we need to configure:

  • SonarCloud Service Endpoint
  • Organization
  • Choose the way to run the analysis
  • Project Key
  • Project Name
  • Project Version
  • Additional Properties (under advanced)

Starting off with the SonarCloud Service Endpoint. We will need to configure the end point within our SonarCloud project, and link it to our Azure DevOps project. First we will generate a SonarCloud token.

  1. Navigate to your project on
  2. Go to "My account" (under your profile avatar in the top right corner).
  3. Go to the "Security" tab, between "Profile" and "Notifications".
  4. Under "Generate Tokens", add a new recognisable name. This name will not be used, but it does serve as a reminder for what the token was generated, such that you know whether you want to keep it later, or revoke it. As such, I would recommend giving it a readable name, in my case it is called "PacMan Azure DevOps".
  5. Press the "Generate" button and copy the token. (Note, by closing this tab you will not be able to copy it anymore, and you will have to revoke the previous tab, I would recommend either putting it in a notepad temporarily or leaving this tab open until you are done setting this up.)
  6. With the token generated, go to your Azure DevOps project settings. (This can be done by selecting the little cog icon next to your Azure project name).
  7. Select the "Service connections" link under "Pipelines".
  8. Press "New service connection" in the top right corner.
  9. Find and click the "SonarCloud" entry in the list and press "Next".
  10. Add the token in the "SonarCloud Token" field and press verify.
  11. Fill in a readable name in the "Service connection name", this is the name we will add to "SonarCloud Service Endpoint" field in our yaml file.
  12. Optionally add a description.
  13. Press "Verify and save". Now we are ready to add this to our yaml.

With the SonarCloud Service Endpoint configured, go ahead and add the name you provided in step 11 within the field of "SonarCloud Service Endpoint".

In the "Organization" and "Project Key" fields, add your SonarCloud "Organization Key" and "Project Key" respectively. These can be found in the second column of your SonarCloud project dashboard.

Since I am integrating it with MSBuild, the scanner mode is selected to be "MSBuild". "Project Name" is set to the same as my project, and for the sake of simplicity I have set my "Project Version" to 1.0, though you can set this to the respective version of your software, and it will be displayed correctly in your project dashboard.

Finally press add, to add this task to your pipeline yaml. Make sure it gets placed before the build task.

SonarCloud Analyse and Publish

Next we will add the SonarCloudAnalyze@1 and SonarCloudPublish@1 tasks after our VSBuild step. Find the "Run Code Analysis" and "Publish Quality Gate Result" tasks in your assistant, and add them to your yaml. I did not modify the polling time out myself, and just left it at 5 minutes.

The pipeline will now look like this:

Adding the build wrapper

In an ideal world, this should be enough to get SonarCloud to work. Unfortunately, this being a C/C++ project, we need to do some additional work.

When this pipeline is run it gives an error containing the following statement:

In order for it to work, we will need to wrap our MSBuild process in the build wrapper process. The executable to do this can be obtained from the SonarCloud website here. I opted to put this directly into my repository, because I am lazy, and had some trouble getting it to download correctly as a build step. There is nothing stopping you from adding it as a download step instead though.

Either way, after obtaining it you should have a path to the executable. For the sake of convenience let's wrap this in a variable, add the following line to your variables section of your yaml:

We can also add our future output directory, as mentioned in the error message, as a variable, such that we only have to define it once:

With that out of the way, the next step is to modify our VSBuild step. Unfortunately, our regular VSBuild step does not have a way to wrap it in our build wrapper, or I have not found a way to do this. Instead, I have changed the VSBuild task to a power shell task, and defined the command myself. It is not pretty, but it works.

The new command becomes:

Let's break down what happens:

  • First we define call our build wrapper executable stored in buildWrapperExe.
  • We set the output path of any results to the buildWrapperOutputDir we defined earlier.
  • We call the MSBuild exe stored in msBuildExe, this is the regular MSBuild stored on the Azure agent.
  • We make it compile our solution, and set the configuration and platform similarly to a regular VSBuild task.
  • We also specified the option -nologo to skip printing the logo, such that our output log stays a bit clean.

With the build wrapper configured, the only thing we need to set is the build wrapper output directory within our SonarCloudPrepare task. This will allow the SonarCloudAnalyze step to pick up on our results, and actually produce the right results. We do this by adding the following line to the additional properties of SonarCloud:

Lastly, I have set up my SonarCloud pipeline to run once every three hours if a commit has taken place. This will ensure I am not running my pipeline unnecessarily. If I do happen to need immediate feedback I tend to kick off my pipeline by hand anyway. In order to do this, I changed the beginning of my pipeline yaml to the following:

If you have followed along diligently and I did not make any mistake, you should have the following yaml code:

With all that out of the way we should have our basic SonarCloud pipeline up and running, and we should be able to inspect the results in our SonarCloud project dashboard. Up next, we will take a look how to connect our final metric, code coverage.

Adding code coverage

The last metric to set up within SonarCloud is the code coverage. I will not go into detail about how to unit test, or why it is a good thing, enough articles are written on these topics already, but I will add that if you are not writing unit tests, I wholeheartedly encourage you to start doing so. If you are not interested in the code coverage, then this is all you need to do to start using SonarCloud, and I wish you happy code smell hunting!

Within SonarCloud we can display the code coverage metric. Once set up, SonarCloud will show you the overall code coverage of your solution, as well as the coverage on newly added line, giving you a good sense of how well tested your new code is. Furthermore, it provides a convenient interface to show which parts of the code are untested, and let's you sort files containing uncovered lines in greater detail. A very useful feature in my opinion.

As mentioned previously, within the pacman project I use gtest / gmock to do my testing in combination with the google test adapter and VSTest. When running the VSTest task on Azure Pipelines, you can enable measuring code coverage. This will add a .coverage file somewhere on your agent. You could use this .coverage file within visual studio to show the uncovered pieces of code. With a bit of tweaking, we can also use this data within SonarCloud. However, the .coverage file is not supported out of the box, and we will need to export it to an .xml file, before it will play nice.

Producing a .coverage file

The first step into getting the code coverage set up in SonarCloud, is ensuring the .coverage gets produced. As mentioned before, we can configure a VSTest task to produce these files. Within my pacman project, I already have a CI pipeline in place that runs my test suite. Instead of rerunning the whole test suite just to produce the code coverage, I figured it would be less wasteful to reuse the data gathered during this CI pipeline. As such, the following text will assume you have two pipelines, one CI and one SonarCloud pipeline. The SonarCloud pipeline will reuse the artefacts from the CI pipeline. It should only be a minor inconvenience to modify the SonarCloud pipeline, to run the VSTest itself. With that out of the way, let's set up the .coverage file.

We can enable the code coverage by adding the following option to our VSTest task:

This will ensure our .coverage file gets produced.

With the current iteration of the VSTest task this file will be placed in the test results folder, located in the TEMP folder of the Azure Agent. This location has changed in between versions of the VSTest task already, therefor it would not necessarily be smart to rely on an absolute path. Instead, we will configure our VSTest task to output the .coverage file in a specific location. To do so, we need to create a .runsettings that specifies the output location, as shown below:

Where some/Directory is the path where the coverage files will be placed in. In order to keep all of this as flexible as possible, I opted to generate this .runsettings file during execution with a python script, which takes the path it will generate as an argument. This way we do not need to make any assumptions about the file system, and instead can set this in our pipeline yaml.

The script to do this can be located here. I will not go over the script line by line, I hope it is mostly self-explanatory. But I will explain the rough idea. The script itself takes two arguments, first the path at which we want to construct the new .runsettings file, and the path we want to output the .coverage file to. These arguments are parsed with the help of the argparse library, in the parse_arguments function. Within the run function, we first construct the output directory and the parent directory of the .runsettings file, if they do not exist yet. Lastly we generate the .runsettings file at the specified path with the use of the RUNSETTINGS_TEMPLATE in the generate_runsettings function.

We can integrate this script by adding the following two tasks to our pipeline yml anywhere before the VSTest task:

This will first set up the required Python 3 interpreter, and then execute the python script linked earlier. The mentioned arguments are stored in the variables codeCoverageLocationRunsettings and testResults. These have been defined in the variables section of our pipeline yaml, and will be reused in subsequent steps.

Finally, we need to modify our VSTest task slightly to make use of our generated .runsettings file. As part of the inputs of the VSTest add the following line:

This will ensure that the .coverage files are generated in testResults.

Passing the .coverage files between pipelines

This section deals with interaction between the two pipelines, if you are running the VSTest task within your SonarCloud pipeline, you can safely skip this section.

Now that we have our .coverage files generated in a known location, we can publish them as pipeline artefacts, and download them in the SonarCloud pipeline. Publishing files as an artefact is done through the PublishPipelineArtifact task, or "Publish Pipeline Artifacts" in your Azure Pipelines assistant. Go ahead and select it from the list in your assistant. We have the following fields that we can configure:

  • File or directory path
  • Artifact name
  • Artifact publish location

For the directory path we want to use the testResults variable. The name can be anything you like, however we will use this name within the SonarCloud pipeline, so I would not recommend going all out on it. Lastly, the Artifact publish location should be set to "Azure Pipelines" (unless you have a really good reason to upload it to a fileshare, then knock yourself out).

This should lead to the following code (note, I added a simple display name to make my build steps look nice in the log):

Next, we will download the coverage pipeline artefact within our SonarCloud pipeline. This can be done with the DownloadPipelineArtifact task, or "Download Pipeline Artifacts" in your assistant. We have a bunch of options to configure here.

First set the "Download artifacts produced by" to "Specific run", which will open up some additional options. The project should be set to the project that contains your CI pipeline, and the "Build pipeline" should be set to this specific pipeline. In my case these are "PacMan" and "Build and Test PacMan" respectively. For "Build version to download" pick "Latest". You could add a specific tag that should be present to use to select a specific run, but I have not bothered with this.

Finally we need to set the "Artifact name", "Matching patterns", and the "Destination directory". For "Artifact name" pick the name that you gave the artifact in the previous step (coverage in the snipped above). Since we are only interested in the .coverage file, I have specified my "Matching patterns" to **/*.coverage, this will look recursively in all the folders of my artefact for any file ending with .coverage. As a final step, download the files somewhere on your agent. In my case I put it in a variable called coverageDownloadLocation. This should put a task in your yaml comparable to:

Next up, we will convert the .coverage file to .xml and feed it into the SonarCloud analysis.

Converting the .coverage file

Converting the .coverage files to .xml is a reasonably easy process, once you have figured out how to do it. The path to figuring it out though, is painful and filled with perils, so hopefully you can learn from my mistakes and it will be a breeze for you. First and foremost let me state, that if you want to use paths with spaces in your python and command line scripts, make sure you use double quotes, ", and not single quotes, '. Yes ... it took me longer than I would like to admit to figure that out. With that out of the way, let's look at how we can convert .coverage files in to something usable by SonarCloud.

If my understanding is correct, the .coverage is basically a binary blob of code coverage information, which can be used by Visual Studio to give you an indication of your code coverage. Unfortunately, it does not work out of the box for SonarCloud. This means we need to convert it to an .xml file which will be usable. There are various ways of doing this, but the easiest I have found is to use the codecoverage.exe provided with Visual Studio Enterprise, i.e. the Visual Studio version that is installed on the Azure agents.

When we run the following command, it will convert the .coverage into an .xml file:

Where input and output can basically be any name you want it to be.

Because I did not want to hard code the location of the codecoverage.exe, and I do not know the .coverage file names without running actually running the pipeline, I ended up writing another python script to dynamically resolve these things. The script can be found here. Again, I will not go over the script line by line, but I will explain the rough set up. The script takes one argument, the folder in which the .coverage files are located. It then resolves the codecoverage.exe path by searching for it in the Visual Studio folder of the agent. It will then copy the .coverage files from the specified path to the current working directory. Lastly, it will convert the recently copied files from .coverage to .xml using the codecoverage.exe. Once done, the current working directory should contain the relevant .xml files (and the original .coverage files).

This script is ran in the same way as before, by adding two python tasks (after the download pipeline artifacts task):

We set up the argument and the working directory with the appropriate variables again defined in the variable section of the yaml. If you are interested in seeing the output, you could publish the defined working directory as an artefact, such that they can be downloaded and inspected.

Modifying the SonarCloud tasks

The final step to wrap up our SonarCloud setup, is to use the newly generated .xml files within our analyses. For this we need to add one more line to our extraProperties:

Where coverageFiles is defined as:

Which says all the .xml files within the location where we generated our .xml files. This should ensure that SonarCloud takes into account the code coverage, and you can keep an eye on maintaining that 80%+ metric!


This guide turned out to be slightly longer than I originally intended, but if you followed along, and I did not make any mistakes, you should have a pipeline looking similar to my SonarCloud pipeline. Which should provide you with a dashboard similar to my pacman project.

I hope this made the process of setting up SonarCloud for a C++ project slightly easier for you. Thank you for reading! And if you have any comments, suggestions, or questions, let me know!